Leadership Training
Leadership Training Program
We believe that God has a plan to reach Muslims with the Gospel and that He uses many ways to bring about His plan. We believe the way He is using us to bring about this plan is to plant Biblical churches (Jamaats) made up of redeemed Muslims. Not church buildings, but community of believers who know Christ, who meet in homes, who are being discipled Biblically to follow and obey Him; a community of believers in Muslim communities that are there to share the Gospel, welcome and disciple new believers, bolster and encourage the believers experiencing persecution and bring Christ’s love into their communities. We believe that the best people to reach Muslims are redeemed Muslims who are in a healthy Biblical jamaat in the heart of a Muslim community.
A few years ago we started to train and disciple some of these Redeemed Muslims (Leaders) in secret. These are men and women who have been baptized, have been following Christ for several years, have started Jamaats themselves, want to remain in their villages, want to deepen their Jamaats Biblically, want to learn how to disciple their Jamaats in Christ, need a plan, prayer and encouragement to reach out to their communities and need help in thinking through sustainability for themselves and their Jamaats.
Our Trainings cover a wide and varied number of topics, for example, how to study the Bible, Eldership, Tithing, Discipleship, Spiritual Warfare, Persecution, Old Testament Survey, Baptism, Worship, Spiritual Disciplines, what is a Healthy Church, Women in Ministry, Marriage, What is the Gospel, Church Planting and many others. We use a Discovery Bible Study Method, but also do some teaching and a lot of group interaction. As much as possible we require that Scripture is used to answer questions. Our trainings are done in private locations over a 3-4 day on site location.
Our AJI Leadership Team visit our Leaders and their Jamaats and Sub-Leaders quarterly for Follow up Fellowships and for further equipping in their sewing centers and women ministries.
We cover their travel, food and training costs.
Our Trainings are about $3,000 each and we have quarterly Follow up Fellowships on the ground in India. If you would like to partner with us and underwrite one of our Trainings or Follow up Fellowships, please see our Donate page.